Defenders of Wildlife “Wolf Awareness Week”

As always, we were thrilled to partner with Defenders of Wildlife once again to create an animation to amplify their message of conservation and protection. For Wolf Awareness week, we worked with the team to make an animation that outlines the historic and current threats to wolf populations throughout the United States. Through copywriting, illustration, animation, custom score, sound design, VO casting and recording and all the bits and bobs in between, we think that we achieved their goal of making a matter of fact and impactful animation, while still being beautifully designed and thoughtfully animated.
#vtslovesdogs (&theircousins)


Client: Defenders of Wildlife
Director: Adam Glickfield
Producer: Kristin Almy
Design: Renaud Lavency
Animation: Mac Wojcik
Music & Sound Design: Ben Bavonese (Limes & Cherries)




Adobe "Multi-Frame Rendering"