Facebook “AI Belongs To Everyone”

As a society have been conditioned to think of AI as a means to an evil end (ahem, Terminator, ahem), but this technology is already being used around the world to make lives easier, more productive, safer. And any innovation can only be as good or bad or effective as those who create it, so why not let everyone help to inform what our future looks like?

Partnering with our pals at Yonder to create the live action sections, VTS worked with a variety of designer/animators around the country to make unique short sections of animation to highlight the ideas represented in the narrative, with the only cohesive characteristic existing in the color palette. From a more motion graphics style approach using AE, to using Flash to animate 10+ end characters, VTS explored used a variety of approaches to differentiate each scene, as well as play into the idea that the more diverse and varied sources AI can learn from, the more rich and dynamic the result becomes.


Client: Facebook
Agency: BBDO SF
Creative Directors: Jakob Szymanski, Alex Stainton
Agency Producers: Dana Ross, Lou Doherty
Production Company: Yonder
Director: Adam Patch
Managing Director: Adam Bagger
Executive Producer: Mike Repasch
Producer: Ross Kelly
DP: Kelly Moore
Production Designer: Drew Cookson
Animation Director: Adam Glickfield
Animation Producer: Kristin Almy
Motion Designers: David Stanfield, Vance Reeser, Josh Parker, Jonathan Sundy, Bran Dougherty-Johnson, Adam Patch, Adam Glickfield, Alex Miller, Chris Guyot, Neisje Morrell


Defenders of Wildlife “Wolf Protection”


Simple Life