Technological innovations are a great driver for well crafted animation. Through animation, a story can be told with human emotions and characters, but also show how technology interacts with the world around us, and do so in a way that is easily digestible and understandable.

This is what we did with Nest. Working with the Nest/Google team, we were able to create an engaging and informative animation that explains how Home/Away Assist works with Nest, and how it supports a busy life. Using an established illustrative style and color palette, the VTS team used 2D and 3D animation to create an elegant and engaging animation that not only shows the benefits of the product, but allows the viewer be entertained and engaged throughout.


Creative Director: Craig Williams
Producer: Jessica Koontz
Design Director: Elie Monge
Artwork Inspired by Oddfellows

Very True Story
Director: Adam Patch
Producer: Kristin Almy
Animation Director: Adam Glickfield
Design: Robbie Bolick
Motion Designers: Jarrod Allen, Daniel Duncan, Vance Reeser, Arley Cornell, Ben Luce, Clint Beastwood
Music: Zack Wright
Sound Design: Lichen Lion


Brand New Congress

